LEGO: SweBrick X 2009-11-07 from Tobbe Arnesson on Vimeo.
Here's my result after the "building blindfolded"-competition. Not so good, got three errors. One of the blue lights on the bar and both fenders turned the wrong direction.

Nice to build a little after a loooong rest from bricks. This is a small creek diorama.

Another competition was micro scale towns, I made this SciFi space Energy plant.

I also made this evil building.

Most of the attendees take photos of the ducklings (see the video).

TLG sponsored with lots of great prices, here's Harri with a big box of Star Wars. Personally I made second last place overall and "only" got a few small sets...

The day was turning into night and we all were a bit tired, strange things emerged...

Trying to remember one of the last MOCs I made before leaving the bricks I made this tank. 5 studs wide, up side down and half-stud centered lengths wise. Why make it easy?

It was a very good meeting, nice to see some old faces again and also meet a lot of new ones!