Somethings are hard to stand, like when a tackle box of sorted LEGO end's up on the floor with the lid open. Boy was I lucky it was not the box with different Technic pins...

I have no clue what this was... least it's different :)

That 24 tooth crown gear is modified...

I was building a tractor. I built it in colors that I would not use when doing the real model. This was only a design study per see.

This was done after Steve Lanes design and instructions. I planned to make a video of it shuffeling snow outside but it was snowing so much it got buried within minutes!
Cool model though!

50% sale at a local store, Åhléns. Later they sold the rest of the sale stuff for 25%!!

My hand after taking something apart. Note the red dots in the palm. That's normal traces of Technic axles...

A friend and I joined a Mindstorms challenge, this is the course.

Here's Harri and I building our robot.

Our robot did not work well but we won the price for most abitious design - a 9754 Dark Side Developer Kit. We split the set in two halves and had trading on the odd numbered pieces.

Trying to solve a problem with NQC. It later was discovered that the light sensor had been moved up a stud by accident so our values were wrong and the robot lost...

Here's the 'bot itself. We had side mounted touch sensor to "see" if we got to close to the rails. This part worked fine and also won us the price...

Live testing...

Lot's of 1 x 2 plates...

Bug made for a creature contest.

Snake also done for the creature contest. Design originaly by Anders Isaksson.

Snake folded.

Also for the creature contest. This bloke have had too much plastic surgery.

Start on a shrimp rover...

Sorting three Pod-Racer bucket's spawned this nano town.

Unsorted bricks. Try to spot all the sets in there :)

Here are some of them assembled.