LoTek LEGO-creations by Tobbe Arnesson.
While reading news in lugnet.technic I found a link to a very interesting page, Leo's LEGO Designs, there I found this page describing a pretty uncommon propulsion system named after it's inventor, Killough. I recalled that I had seen it before and that I thought it moved pretty spectacularly. So I decided to build one myself. I remembered that the one I previously saw was controlled with the Mindstorms RCX, but I went for remote control using the same radio control equipment I always use.
After studying several other LEGO Killoughs I left the computer and went to my building table and four hours later I was done. It took about three hours to assemble it and one hour to make it stronger so it would not fall apart and tweaking the RC stuff.
I really think that you should build one of these babies of your own! They are much fun to play with!
Since this is a pretty remarkable"vehicle" I thought that I should try to explain how it moves.
It uses six wheels that are rounded and spins them in wrong direction, tilting them around instead of rolling them. The "normal" spinning axis is free to rotate. The reason there are three pairs of wheels is that when one wheel tilts it will loose contact with the floor unless it lowers it's chassis (gravity will) or something else holds the chassis in level, here's where the additional wheel comes in play. The wheels are mounted with a 90-degree displace to each other, thus, when one wheel tilts so that it looses contact with the floor, the other wheel gets contact instead. So there will always be a wheel that has contact with the floor.
Here is how that works, looking at the Killough from the side and only drawing the wheels. The wheels tilts in the direction of the arrows.
Top view. Have you perchance noticed that I arrange my pictures in alphabetical order?
So, what's to see here? Perhaps the blue antenna mounted in a setup of 2x4 technic plates and a short pin? Nah...
Before you flame me for owning six turntables and 12 large pneumatic cylinders I must say this; A year ago when I had just crawled out of my dark ages cave and started searching the net for AFOL's I was amazed when someone had more then one turntable and I thought I'd never own one myself!
Then, in August 2000 I bought my first 8480 Space Shuttle and I had my first turntable, after that I rather quickly bought another 8480 (on sale, I could have walked over dead bodies to keep it in my arms after I had picked it up) and two 8462 Tow Trucks. Now I had four turntables and six large pneumatic cylinders
I then ordered some large cylinders from LEGO Service while they were still shipping spare parts..
In Mars 2001 I bought me another two 8480 Space Shuttles when I was lucky enough to find them in a toy store in Sweden.
What I want to say is; I'm crazy enough about LEGO to spend a lot of money on this hobby, hence the parts. If you want to feel envy, feel it for my luck in finding those 8480 and having the money to spend at the time!
:) This was written mostly as a joke to a friend of mine who claimed that he hated me when he saw this study IRL :)
After the Hercules I felt that a robot might be in order before my next serious project. I thought about the robots I've done so far and decided I liked the walkers best. I had already done a Biped and a Octapod so why not do a Hexapod?
Thinking some more I decided I wanted to do a pretty large platform that could carry my radio control equipment and maybe some cool weapon or something.
To build large and simple I thought that the leg should have three joints, a "knee" and a "hip" and also the turning function in a hip. I used MLCad to test a idea I had. One pneumatic cylinder for the "knee", one for the "hip" and a large turntable for the rotation in the "hip". It proved to be doable in MLCad so I was thrilled when I found out I own 12 large pneumatic cylinders, at first I counted to eleven but I had forgot one used in my Hercules at the moment.
Yes, I plan my next project while building the current. That's probably why I always get sidetracked and loose interest in the current project, ah well...
The reason I wanted a "knee-joint" was that I wanted the robot to be able to do nice turns and also walk like a crab, sideways by not using the turntables and also forward by not using the knee-joints but the turntables and hip-joints.
I made a nice control scheme for how to make all this work with my five channel radio.
After I've built the project as I had planned I realized that the legs were far to weak to give the performance I wanted so I skipped the knee-joint and made that part stiff and took the cylinder to make a dual cylinder in the hip-joint.
Now the legs were strong enough but I got serious concerns for my turntables, they tended to separate when I drove around the platform, and that was before adding any weight. Afraid to ruin 6/7ths of my turntable collection I decided that this project was a design study and that the study proved my theory wrong in real life. Damn!
I might fix this turntable issue by placing the turntable underneath the platform so that the platform stands on the legs instead of hanging in them, more on this further down among the pictures when you have a chance of understanding what I mean. It would have been a total rebuild of the drivetrain to make this at the stage I was in so I decided to lay this to the past and perhaps come back to the idea when I feel motivated enough. I build for fun and so should you :)
For example, when the robot walks forward it first lifts the blue legs, 1, 3 and 5 from the ground. Then it turns all turntables. The blue marked turntables turn in one direction, putting the leg forward and the red ditto turn backward thus pushing the robot forward since the red legs are on the ground.
The schematic picture to the left tries to describe this state. The arrow is the direction of travel.
Then the robot puts down the blue legs 1, 3 and 5 and lifts the red legs instead, 2, 4 and 6. Then the motors drive the turntables so that the red legs moves forward and the blue legs backward (now on the ground) so that they pushes the robot forward. And so on...
When the robot turns, the robot don't move all red legs forward and blue backwards and vice versa. Instead one of the colors on one side moves back while the others in the same color moves forward, giving the robot a form of tank steering.
Like this (I'll try to explain):
First the robot lift all it's blue legs (assuming all six legs were on the ground), then leg 1, 3, 4 and 6 move forward while leg 2 and 5 move backward. This makes leg 2 pushing it's side forward while leg 4 and 6 pushes their side backwards, thus the robot has to turn (unless something brakes).
Now it should look like the pic below. The arrow is the direction of travel.
Then the robot puts down the blue legs again and lifts the red legs instead. Now the leg movement reverses, leg 1 and 3 pushes their side forward while leg 5 pushes it's side backwards.
I hope you understand this, it took me a while to grasp it my self while building, how the legs should move I mean :) I'm not sure if I could explain this in Swedish either LOL!
This is the first version with the knee-joint that I skipped in the second half-time.
Did I just use a sport metaphor? I did, didn't I? Yuck..
Anyway, in this pic leg 1, 3 and 5 are raised so the robot stands on legs 2, 4 and 6. Leg 1 and 3 is stretched out using the knee-joint.
This is what the turntable looked like after a short drive. When I noticed this I chickened out and decided to make this an ex. project.
Placing the chassis on top of the turntable and the leg underneath it would probably solve this. It meant to much work however so I never tried it.
Looks cool eh? :)
It has a nice ground clearance and it seemed to be able to do a lot of terrain driving, damn I would have loved to take this one out in the bushes. Stupid turntables, or is it stupid designer? Nah!
The bottom is nådd! Sorry, Swedish joke. This is the chassis any way.
Not much to see, I tried to keep it flat and nice for off-road action.
Well, it would not have been much action any way, it drove painfully slow...
Continuing where we took off, here's another shot of the gears. I like gears :)
The difference from the previous shot it that here some of the gears to the left is visible that were hidden behind a beam. Also, the two z24 don't show off as much.